Have any of you heard of a website called "Fail Blog"? Well that is me. I can't seem to keep up with work, kids, Facebook and blogging all at the same time. But I'm going to try again. And my goal is to post once a month. Not once every two years!
A lot has changed since the last post, 2 years ago. We have lived in 3 different houses since then, Mark graduated with his PhD, Maddie was baptized, Ellie gave up the busy ball bopper and we moved from Phoenix to Texas. I'll post some of my favorite pictures over the last while, but will not be able to catch up completely on the last 2 years! They include Mark's graduation (where he shook President Obama's hand, Maddie's baptism, our most recent trip to Disneyland & San Diego, the Christmas Card pictures I took, printed, and have addressed in envelopes that never made it to the mailbox, etc.)